I guess it has taken awhile to recover because this isn't even from this past week now. It is from the week before that. I was working on some bigger units I wanted to get rolling on soon, and I had some Angry Birds stuff already around (though I never seem to be able to just let it go at that and keep digging and pulling more stuff together, even on my "easy" units), so I thought we would just do a little Angry Birds theme for the week since both boys love Angry Birds.
To sum up the week, the birds were not the only angry ones. It was a rough week! There were a lot of things that threw us off routine, so we really didn't get much school done, and the times we did have school were NOT smooth. Isaiah seemed to fight me every step of the week with school, and on Wednesday, I was seriously thinking I have made a huge mistake and just need to put him in school here.
So far, I have really enjoyed this journey with homsechooling most of the time, but I find myself constantly feeling like I'm falling short and often getting stressed about how things are going. I've always been invested in the students I've had in classrooms, but these are truly, in every sense of the word, MY kids! It is so much fun and so amazing to get to be part of the learning and education and growth, but it is also a big struggle in the moments (or weeks!) that aren't going well.
I don't have any conclusions about the schooling thing for us. It was a better week this last week, and for now, we are going to press through (and hopefully continue to enjoy) the homeschool thing, and we'll just try to keep seeking what is best for our kids and our family. And, giving thanks for grace for hard weeks!
One thing I did decide is that I need to put down the camera more and just enjoy! So, it may just be a highlight or two per week from now on.
Here are my angry birds, I mean boys, with their work from this week...
Isaiah was working on cutting for his verse of the week. So, of course, Ezekiel had to get out scissors and glue as well!
I am trying to give a bit more focus directly to some activities for Ezekiel. I loved doing "Tot School" kind of stuff with Isaiah when he was smaller, but it is a bit harder to manage with two! And, Ezekiel usually just wants to mimic whatever Isaiah is doing. But, one of the days, I got him to focus on his stacking cups and pom poms, both of which he loves. We were counting and putting pom poms in different cups and trying to do a bit of basic color recognition. ("Put one pom pom in the pink cup," etc.)Here is Isaiah tracing or filling in numbers on a chart from the 1+1+1=1 pack. He only got to 12 before he melted down that day.
This is a chart from The Activity Mom, and I used some of the cards I already had printed out from 1+1+1=1. Isaiah does really enjoy his math, so this was one of our more successful activities for the week.
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