I used the WingfeatherSaga.com recipe, which I understand is actually Andrew's mom's recipe.
This one is one my son has been asking for since we read about it in the first book. Ironically, he isn't much of a soup eater. On top of that, while Nepal has tons of delicious food here, cheese is not a strength! So, when I imagine a bowl of thick cream chowder with melted cheddar, it was hard for me to let go of that and just embrace the general "cow cheese," which is not great. Because of that, I did also add a few processed cheese slices to the mix. Not classy, but it helped it be a bit smoother and make for a more familiar cheese taste.
I also used chicken broth instead of water.

I used this recipe, but I doubled the butter (both for in and on the bread) because, well, in this Midwestern American girl's mind, if you have something called BUTTER bread, I want to TASTE the butter! :)
I did then only do 1/4 c water at the end and probably could have skipped it altogether. It makes a very wet dough, so I kneaded it in the bowl and let it rise there. It is a different texture than a sandwich bread this way (almost more like a biscuit), and it was falling apart (I might try to play around with that a bit), but we loved it!
One note: This makes one very large loaf! I couldn't see anywhere in the recipe where it said what SIZE of pan to use. I used my larger loaf pan (9x5, I think), and it still filled it to nearly overflowing.
Edit: When making it a second time, I used more like 3/8 c butter in the dough and just put some extra on top from what the recipe suggested, and it turned out really well.